Marketing with the Gaymber
Chamber members have a variety of opportunities for free or low cost advertising–from your profile on our website to hot deals, job postings, event listings, and more!
One of the great perks of your Chamber membership is the ability to add Events, Hot Deals (discounts), and Job Listings to the Chamber website. (For instructions on how to access the Chamber website and submit your content, visit our Member Portal page.)
- Events, Job Listings, and Hot Deals are free for members to add.
- All submissions route to our administrator for approval before they are published to the site.
Add your Event, Hot Deal, or Job Listing to the Chamber website by the last week of the month and we will also include it in our monthly newsletter that goes out the first week of the following month!
Social Media
All Chamber members are eligible to join the Chamber’s 411 Group on Facebook. You are welcome to share events, tips, leads, needs, and more in the group–and stay in touch with other Chamber members!
Are you a Chamber member who has an event or other deal that you would like to connect with the Chamber about? Tag us on Instagram!
Not only do attendees at our monthly breakfasts (third Thursdays except December) get to meet lots of likeminded people, but they also have an opportunity to speak to the whole group by giving away a raffle item at the end of breakfast.
Breakfast Sponsors have an extended opportunity to address all of the attendees.
And if you host an Out & About, the whole event is a marketing opportunity to showcase your business.
Forms to inquire about sponsorship and hosting are on our Networking page.
Find a Chamber Member

Upcoming Events