Have you ever wanted to get more involved with the Gaymber, but don’t know how, the time required or the role you can play?
I know it sounds like an infomercial….and it’s the anti-infomercial because really it’s about connecting and further expanding upon what we do so well at the Gaymber and that’s Represent, Convene, Engage and Support one another.
The Membership & Sponsorship Committee for the Gaymber is currently in search of Gaymber members who wish to give their time, talent and treasure to the community. We are looking to expand toward an Ambassadorship program in 2023 and we’re looking for folx who want to be a part and included in the process of development and roll out.
Our goal is to create Gaymber Ambassadors for (ta-da) INreach for all things pertaining to NEW members and EXISTING members and OUTreach to be representative of and visible in the community. The greatest part is YOU get to decide how much time you want to dedicate through process, new memberships, existing member support, social outings and community events.
Through all of this we are committed to connecting with and supporting our LGBTQIA+ community + allies in some real and tangible ways.
Interested? Please fill out the contact form below today and we will reach out to you. Thank you!

Introducing Gaymber Ambassadors!
May 2, 2023 | Membership