Monthly Newsletter Blog

It’s July and we are still Queer!

Happy July, Team Gaymber!

I’m Amanda Pederson, Board Secretary, coming to you with this month’s newsletter. We’re now past that special time of year known as Pride Month, when corporations dust off their rainbow logos, your neighbor remembers they own a glittery unicorn costume, and grandma tries to get makeup tips from a drag queen. Now that it’s July, most of the world has gone back to their regularly scheduled monochromaticity, while us queers go about the business of…still being queer. Just like last month, and the one before that. Yawn. Know what would be cool? A world that recognizes that Pride is not just a month, it’s a mindset. 

It’s great to be celebrated with parades, festivals, and bar crawls, but beneath the rainbows and glitter are ordinary folks who simply want to feel safe in their communities, secure in their rights, and proud of who they are, every single day of the year.  After the parades are over, we all go back to work, school, and the realities of our position in the web of life. True allyship extends beyond the performative. Love your t-shirt, but are you also listening, supporting, and advocating in meaningful ways? If LGBTQIA2S folks were the majority in this country, we’d have fewer problems, but unfortunately, we aren’t the majority. We need the help of true allies all year, every year, and especially in election years. We all know how high the stakes are. Our lives, loves, and livelihoods are under constant threat. Year-round recognition and celebration aren’t just nice, they’re necessary. 

How can you show your Pride all year? Support local queer-owned businesses. As a business owner, it was important to me that people knew we were welcoming and affirming from day one and would never have to guess if we were a safe space. Reward those out-and-proud businesses actively creating inclusive environments, services, and products. Nothing says “I’ve got you” like cold, hard cash. If you’re an allied business owner, don’t just offer Pride specials or products in June. Rainbows are timeless. 

Want to get more involved? Reach out to our Executive Director Andee, or any board or committee member to see what Gaymber service could look like for you. Also, stay tuned for new event offerings coming this fall. 

In Peace, Love, and Sequined Hotpants,

Amanda Pederson (she/her), Board Secretary

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